• Lemming Meet Cliff

    Jenna stood by the edge of the packed dance floor scanning the crowd for the woman from last week. The blonde with the laughing eyes, dimpled cheeks and warm smile. The one who had danced with carefree abandonment. The one who’d mesmerized. Jenna had ached to speak with her but couldn’t muster the courage to do so. Instead she spent the past week daydreaming about meeting the woman, having dinner, or sharing a cup of coffee, discovering what she loved, what made her sad. Thursday night was particularly satisfying because Jenna dreamed about her, launching a new set of daytime fantasies.  A tap on the shoulder distracted her from the…

  • The Gossip Girls

    The waiter placed their wine glasses on the table. “Ladies, your lunch should be out shortly.” Carol smiled. “Thank you.” When the waiter was out of earshot Eunice said, “I need to borrow your granddaughter’s dog.” Carol crinkled her brows. “What?”“You heard me.”“You mean Barney?”“Is that the big one I see on the Facebook?”“I guess. He’s 120 pounds.”“Perfect, I need him.”“Why do you need a 120-pound dog?”“It’s a long story.”Carol waived a hand. “We’re seventy-five years old. We’ve got all day.” Eunice glanced around at the other tables and lowered her voice. “Well, you know that Jeannette who moved in a couple months ago?”“Yes.” “She walks her little rat past…